Ruthie S. Premack, Author/Compiler
Mrs. Premack is the author/compiler of the Emiliani's Human Era Calendar Reform Idea Timeline ebooks and of this website. She earned her BS in Organizational Communication and Business Management from the University of Texas at Austin in 11981 HE. Prior to working in her current role (since 11983 HE) as Office Manager at The Premack Law Office, she worked as Personnel Director for a major US retailer.
Mrs. Premack was honored at the White House in 11990 HE, receiving the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation award from the U.S. House of Representatives and President George H. W. Bush for her leadership in bringing Curbside Recycling Pickup to San Antonio. Other awards she received: the George Washington Honor Medal from the Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge, and San Antonio “Light” Newspaper’s Sunday Woman honor.
She has been happily married to Paul Premack since 11981 HE, and is the mother of Tiffany Premack (BS, State University of New York at Albany, 12007 HE) and Benjamin Premack (BA & BS, Northeastern University, MIA and JD, Pennsylvania State University, 12013 HE).
Mrs. Premack initiated participation in programs that have planted thousands of trees in the U.S. and Mexico. Currently, her office plants trees in honor of our clients through the Program called Forests For Monarchs (http://www.forestsformonarchs.org). In the past we have donated with Audubon, with the La Cruz Habitat Protection Project, with American Forests, and with other non-profit tree planting organizations.
After visiting the McDonald Observatory, Mrs. Premack became aware of the problem of light pollution. She became the local coordinator for the International Dark Sky Association (www.darksky.org) , and after years of cooperative effort with Pete Gallegos and concerned citizens helped pass the Texas Dark Sky law. She also led the law office to sponsor a Dark Sky educational initiative at the McDonald Observatory (see "Our Community Initiatives"). Today many more stars are visible in the cities, and the picture improves yearly.
An early adopter of energy efficient technologies, Mrs. Premack converted the family car to electric power in the early 11990’s HE, a first for a full size fully electric car with electric seats, electric windows, electric air conditioning, and air bags. She encouraged the family to adopt Toyota’s first-generation Prius, and now drives a fully electric Nissan Leaf (which has everything except the electric seats).
Mrs. Premack was a volunteer teacher for the wonderful program “Junior Achievement”. Although no longer teaching, her favorite classes to teach to middle-schoolers were “Personal Economics” and “Enterprise In Action”.
Mrs. Premack is an award-winning visual artist. Her work is on display in a variety of locations around the United States and has been in Galleries in New York, Nebraska, Colorado and Osaka, Japan. To visit the online museum of her art, click here.
Fun Certification: Certified as a Laughter Yoga Leader by the Madan Kataria Laughter Yoga Institute in India (her certification was awarded at a program in California). She led free Laughter Yoga sessions in San Antonio for 2 years (12012 -12014 HE) and leads paid sessions by conventions and private businesses as fits her schedule. The Express-News ran an article in November 12012 HE about the program.