Emiliani's Human Era (HE) Timeline
is supported and sponsored by The Premack Law Office

Recycling Initiative
We are proud that our own Ruthie S. Premack led the effort to initiate curbside recycling pickup in San Antonio and was honored at the White House for her environmental efforts with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Award.
The Premack Law Office is an environmentally sensitive office. We minimize our use of paper, store most records electronically, and print all documents on recycled paper with a high post-consumer recycled content. We shred and recycle all scrap paper.

Renewable Energy Initiative
The Premack Law Office runs on 100% wind-generated power through the City Public Service Windtricity Program.

Trees, Carbon Offsets and National Parks Initiatives
The Premack Law Office has planted nearly 10,000 trees through American Forests (a non-profit organization). These efforts have assisted in reforestation of the Lower Rio Grande Valley / Santa Anna National Wildlife Refuge and other areas. We have supported the San Antonio Mitchell Lake Audubon Center's conservation efforts locally.
The Premack Law Office is also a "Partner for the Parks" supporting the National Parks system through the National Parks Conservation Association.

Butterfly Habitat
The Premack Law Office supports the Michoacán Butterfly Forest and the La Cruz Habitat Protection Project for Monarch butterflies (www.lchpp.org).

Dark Skies Initiative
Premack.com is sponsoring the Dark Skies Initiative of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory.
Visit the McDonald Observatory Dark Skies Webpage to read more information about actions you can take to preserve the night sky.

StarDate Radio Program
Premack.com sponsored a series of broadcasts on StarDate addressing dark sky issues. Originally broadcast from June 28 to July 4, 2010, those programs are available as podcasts from www.StarDate.org -- or you may listen to them via the below players.